
Breakfast at Lodole Country House

A special B&B breakfast

Breakfast at the Lodole B&B in Bologna is something you will never forget! Every morning in the breakfast room a rich buffet is laid out offering cakes, pastries and biscuits, fresh bread, jam, butter, honey, yoghurt, cereals, fresh fruit salad, local cheeses and salamis, fruit juice, milk, coffee, tea and cappuccinos. Decked with carefully selected, fine quality products, the breakfast buffet table is the jewel in the crown of the Lodole Bologna B&B.

Lodole Country House

It offers its guests Bed and Breakfast service.

Below some of our product

All the products indicated come from farms, dairies and companies, specifically sourced by Lodole B&B.

Traditional fruit preserves

Exclusive blends of naturally flavoured tea

Organic dairy products

Fine chocolate made from fragrant cocoa

Reshly ground coffee blends for full-bodied espressos and cappuccinos

Authentic artisan chocolates made according to century-old traditions

The recipes of Lodole Country House

•300 grammes of flour
•150 grammes of butter
•130 grammes of sugar
•10 gr salt
•3 egg yolks

Soften the butter, combine all the ingredients and knead the dough. Making the dough rest in the
refrigerator for 20 minutes.

  • 1 plain yogurt jar (125 gr)
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 3 cups flour
  • 1 jar of sead oil
  • 1 packet yeast
  • 1 spoonful of jam
  • granulated sugar
  • pinch of salt

Mix 3 eggs in a bowl with sugar. Add sugar, flour, oil, baking powder and a pinch of salt using the
jar of the yogurt as a measuring cup. Pour the batter into a baking pan lined with oven paper and
bake at 180 degrees for 25-30 ‘. Once baked the cake and allowed to cool, brush it with jam and
decorate with granulated sugar or only with icing sugar.

6/8 person

  • 100 grams of dark
  • chocolate
  • 100 g butter
  • water as needed
  • 3 eggs
  • 150 grams of sugar
  • 100 grams of flour
  • 2 tea spoonfuls baking powder
  • 150 grams of walnut kernels
  • icing sugar

Melt the chocolate with the butter and a little water. Whisk the egg whites, beat the egg yolks with
the sugar then gently fold the egg whites to the yolks.
Also add the flour and baking powder. Coarsely chop the walnuts keeping some aside and add
them to the melted chocolate. Combine the chocolate mixture and pour everything into a cake
pan with oven paper. Complete with whole nuts on the surface and bake at 180 degrees for 30
minutes. Sprinkle with a little icing sugar.

  • 1 roll of puff pastry round
    q.s. of brown sugar
  • 6/8 ripe pear Williams
  • 50 grams of pine nuts

Put the pasta with its paper in a baking pan, cut the pears into thin slices and place them inside
the puff pastry, sprinkle with the brown sugar to taste and add pine nuts, place in preheated oven
at 200 degrees for 1 hour. Serve cold or warm up delicious cut into slices, sprinkle with powdered sugar and a bit ‘of maple syrup.

Serves 8

  • 1 dose and 1/2 of pastry
  • 1 kg of ripe peaches
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 100 grammes of sugar
  • 100 grammes of macaroons
  • 30 grammes of soft butter
  • 1 egg

Prepare the pastry , roll out 2/3 and line a baking dish ( diameter 26 cm), greased and floured ,
taking high sides at least 2 cm. Peel and thinly slice peaches , put them in a bowl with the lemon
juice and sugar for about 30 minutes. Coarsely chop the macaroons .
Arrange half of the macaroons on the pasta, drain well and place the peaches evenly over the
macaroons, cover with macaroons and sprinkle with the remaining butter. Cover with a disc
prepared with the remaining dough. Seal the edges well with a fork, brush with beaten egg and
bake in a preheated oven at 180 ° C for 1 hour. Serve cold.

Serves 8/10 people

  • 250 grammes of dark chocolate
  • 250 grammmes of butter
  • 250 g sugar
  • 5eggs
  • half a bag of baking powder
  • 50 grammes of flour type 00

Melt the chocolate in a double boiler and butter. Meanwhile, in a bowl and pour the sugar 5 eggs .
Then add the chocolate mixture and flour and baking powder. Stir well to mix. Pour into a round
baking pan lined with parchment paper or greased. Bake at 200 ° C for 15 minutes. Adjust with a
toothpick to determine when it is cooked.

  • 1 liter of whole milk
  • 100 grammes of rice originating in common
  • The zest of 1 lemon
    50 grammes of crushed amaretti biscuits
  • 100 grammes of shelled almonds
  • 100 grammes of candied lemon
  • 200 grammes of sugar
  • 5 eggs
  • 1 glass of bitter almond liqueur

Boil the milk with a pinch of salt, lemon rind and rice and cook for at least 30 minutes over low
heat. Add the sugar and turn off the heat. Chop the amaretti biscuits, candied citron, almonds and
add everything to the rice. In a bowl, peel the eggs and mix well until they are homogeneous, then
add them to the rice and so on. And mix thoroughly. Pour the mixture into a bowl with high sides
(preferably a disposable pan for 6 servings) and bake at 180 degrees for 40 minutes. Remove from
oven and sprinkle freshly cooked evenly with a generous glass of bitter almond liqueur.
Allow to cool and store in refrigerator at least two hours before cutting the lozenges.

  • 170 grammes of flour
  • 170 grammes of sugar
  • 150 grammes of melted butter
  • 1 whole egg
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 1 bag of almonds (about 100 grams)
  • 1 tablespoon pine nuts (about 50 grams)

Work before the whole egg plus 4 yolks with the sugar, gradually add the flour and melted butter.
There goes the yeast! Put in a mold, then cover with chopped almonds and whole pine nuts. Bake
at 180°C for about 20-30 minutes, put the boxc utter to see if it is cooked. When cool, sprinkle with
powdered sugar.

  • 1 liter of milk
  • 400 grammes of sugar
  • 5 eggs
  • 100 grammes of almonds
  • 100 grammes of semolina
  • 1 glass of bitter almond liqueur
    sugar to taste to the caramel
  • lemon zest

Boil the milk with lemon zest and sugar when it came to a boil add the semolina and cook, stirring
for 5 minutes. Allow to cool. When it is cold, add the ground almonds and mix, add 5 eggs, stir and
then add the liqueur. It should be a thick cream. Bring a pan on the stove to make the caramel,
coating the sides of the pan, pour the thick cream and bake in a preheated oven 180°C, cook for
about 45/50 minutes. Remove from the oven and immediately pour the cake on a serving plate,
place in the refrigerator.

  • 180 grammes of Oswego
  • 250 grammes of Philadelphia
  • 250 grammes of cream
  • 1 pound of butter
  • a little honey to sweeten

Crumble the biscuits in a food processor to reduce them to powder and mix with the melted
butter in a double boiler. Line the base of the pan with the mixture well leveled and put in the
freezer for 15 minutes. Then add the philadelphia whipped in a blender with the cream and honey
to taste and pour the mixture over the biscuit base. Bake for 40 minutes 180°C.

  • 100 grammes of sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 160 grammes of butter
  • 160 grammes of biscuits
  • 250 grammes of mascarpone
  • 250 grammes of cottage cheese
  • 1 jar of blueberry jam

Soften the butter, finely chop the cookies, mix them with the butter, roll out the dough on a sheet
of baking paper and cover a baking dish of 24 cm. Put in the fridge. Meanwhile, whisk the eggs
with the sugar that they become very foamy, then add the mascarpone and continue beating then
add the cheese and continue beating. Pull out the pan from the fridge to put the cream on the
biscuit dough and bake for 30 minutes at 180°C. When cooled, take the jam and cover the cake
with a layer of this compound. Put in the fridge.

  • 5 whole eggs
  • 300 grammes of sugar
  • 160 grammes of flour
  • 80 grammes of melted butter
  • a packet of yeast
  • a thin orange peel , cut into small pieces
  • Juice of 4 oranges + 30 g sugar + a little water

Stir together the eggs and sugar, add flour, melted butter, baking powder and zest. Place in a
baking dish and bake for about 40 minutes at 180°C. Make a syrup with the orange juice, sugar
and water. When the cake is lukewarm to make many small cuts slipping the knife (as if to see if it
is cooked) then brush with syrup trying to make it absorb it all.
The next day, or done in the morning to the evening or in the evening to the morning after, it’s very good.

Recipe for 8 /10 people

  • For the dough: 200 g Digestive biscuits
  • 100 grammes of melted margarine
    For the topping:
  • 250 grams of white cheese like Philadelphia
  • 1/4 of cream
  • liquid honey q.b.
    For decoration:
  • 225 grammes of fresh blueberries and raspberries and thawed

Preheat oven to 175°C. Crush the biscuits and mix with margarine. Press the mixture into a mold
for cakes of about 25 cm in diameter. Bake the dough base in the lower part and cook for 10
minutes. Allow it to cool while you prepare the topping. With electric mixer, knead the cheese until
it is soft. Add the cream and honey and mix again. Pour the seal on the base and bake at half
height for another 30 minutes. Remove from the oven and let cool on a wire rack, then put the
cake in the refrigerator for several hours, until the topping hardens completely. Decorate the cake
with blueberries and raspberries just before serving. Sprinkle with icing sugar.
How to break the cookies: if you break the biscuits in the food processor function is used
intermittently to avoid grind into a powder. Alternatively, place the biscuits in a plastic food bag
and crush with a rolling pin.
A different basis: Mix 75 grammes of margarine, 15 Digestive biscuits crushed and 40 grams of
sugar. Press the mixture into the pan and place in refrigerator for 15 minutes. This base not need

  • 300 grammes of carrots
  • 300 grammes of peeled almonds
  • 300 grammes of sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 25 grammes of flour
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 glass of rum

Work the sugar with the egg yolks to a smooth paste which join, stirring carefully, flour, grated
carrots, chopped almonds, grated lemon zest and liqueur. Gently stir in the whipped egg whites.
Pour the batter into a greased and floured cake pan and bake in preheated oven for 45 minutes. If
you do not like the liquor, you can flavor this cake with a hint of nutmeg, honey or lemon juice,
stretching the dough with a little warm water, if necessary. If you have decided to work together
frosting the cake all the ingredients for the glaze and cover the cake when it is cooled. Let rest for
24 hours before serving.